Amiga Report Mailing List

If you have an internet mailing address, you can receive Amiga Report in UUENCODED form each week as soon as the issue is released. To be put on the list, send Email to

Your subject header will be ignored. In the body of the message, enter

subscribe areport

The system will automatically pull your e-mail address from the message header.

Your account must be able to handle mail of any size to ensure an intact copy. For example, many systems have a 100K limit on incoming messages.


Please be certain your host can accept mail over 100K! We have had a lot of bouncebacks from systems with a 100K size limit for incoming mail. If we get a bounceback with your address in it, it will be removed from the list. Thanks!

UUDecoding Amiga Report

If you receive Amiga Report from the direct mailing list, it will arrive in UUEncoded format. This format allows programs and archive files to be sent through mail by converting the binary into combinations of ASCII characters. In the message, it will basically look like a lot of trash surrounded by begin and end, followed by the size of the file.

To UUDecode Amiga Report, you first need to get a UUDecoding program, such as UUxT by Asher Feldman. This program is available on Aminet in


Then you must download the message that it is contained in. Don't worry about message headers, the UUDecoding program will ignore them.

There is a GUI interface for UUxT, which should be explained in the docs. However, the quickest method for UUDecoding the magazine is to type

uuxt x ar.uu

at the command prompt. You will then have to decompress the archive with lha, and you will then have Amiga Report in all of its AmigaGuide glory.

If you have any questions, you can write to Jason Compton.